Corona Guidelines
Guidelines for long term courses
The first and foremost rule when the school opens is that students or staff that show symptoms of COVID-19 have to stay home, until they are feeling better and have not shown any symptoms for 48 hours. On this page you can find the guidelines for prevention of coronavirus on Nordfyns Højskole
General Guidelines
When you arrive to the school there are some general guidelines that you have to follow and be aware off. We will clarify them further on this page that will be updated regularly as the Danish Government releases new guidelines.
- We strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated before their arrival at the school.
- We all share the responsibility to keep in line with the guidelines and take care of each other, especially students and staff who are in the group of people at higher risk from coronavirus.
- Everyone must wash their hands and use hand sanitizer as often as possible and as a minimum when they enter from one room to another.
- The general demand of a social distance of one meter has been removed but we encourage you to keep distance where it is possible and limit kisses, hugs and handshakes
- We ask you to stay within school grounds as much as possible, if you need to leave the school in the weekends, this has to be done in agreement with the principal, Thomas.
Prevention of contamination
Information on contamination and hygiene
The best way to prevent spreading the virus around the school is to wash your hands thoroughly and often with warm water and soap.
The next thing to be aware of is how we interact with each other in classes, at meals, at assembly etc. COVID-19 transmits through contact with the virus on surfaces. This can be on another person or on a handle, table, chair or ping pong bat.
Added to this is the social life outside of the school. Because there are so many people gathered in one place, who also have a social life outside of the school, there is a risk to bring corona to the school and transmit it to a lot of people before it is detected. Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of our social behavior in and outside of school and about what trips away from school grounds are necessary.
Some people, especially young people can be infected with COVID-19 without showing any symptoms. For now, the assumption is that you start transmitting the virus 48 hours before showing symptoms. That is why it is very important that everyone, also people without symptoms, follow the following guidelines to prevent the virus from spreading at Nordfyns Højskole.
Arrival and transportation
Before arrival at the school we ask all students to get tested for COVID-19. For international students we ask you to get tested in the airport upon arrival in Denmark in addition to the test you get within 72 hours prior to boarding the flight from your home country. A free test center is set up in the airport, for the test result please give the school phone number: +45 23 95 12 99
In order to minimize the burden on the local area and public transport, we ask everyone to stay at the school as much as possible. For necessary trips away from the school, we encourage the use of private transport. If it is not possible for you to be driven or drive yourself, the use of public transport is necessary, we ask you to try to avoid rush hour.
All students must continously through the semester be able to show a coronapass. Either based on completed vaccination or weekly tests. If a student is not vaccinated they are personally responsible for getting tested and being able to show negative testresult.
- you for medical reasons should not be tested.
- you can prove documentation for a started or completed vaccination against covid-19
Cleaning and personal hygiene
The most essential thing for us to be able to gather at the school is good hygiene. This means that you will have to follow the guidelines for duties and cleaning.
At all entry points and in all rooms, you will have hand sanitizer available. Added to this the same guidelines we have been following since the outbreak of Coronavirus, are still in place; wash your hands often and thoroughly, cough into your sleeve, keep a social distance of one meter to other people.
A laundry schedule will be developed to ensure that everyone can do laundry in a safe way. When you have used the laundry room and facilities, you have to clean and disinfect the whole area.
Twice a day, after assembly and dinner you will be a part of cleaning your own primary group area, moreover you of course must clean your own room. Before and after use of all classrooms and other shared facilities they must be cleaned.
Twice a day you must:
- Open the windows in your room for at least 10 minutes
- Clean all surfaces and points of contact (tables, chairs, lighting contacts, sink, toilet, shower, doorknob, etc.)
Once a day you must:
- Empty the trash cans (all the way to the containers)
- Change the towel in your bathroom
All students will be a part of duties around mealtimes
Free time
In your free time at the school, you can of course use all the facilities at the school as ‘normal’. Some facilities are open, and others can be used after agreement with the teacher of the day. When you use the facilities the same guidelines for cleaning before and after use applies, both for indoors and outdoors facilities (Shelters, Sauna, the café, the multicourse etc.)
It is important for the school to stay good friends with our neighbours in the community both near the school and the ones in Bogense. This means it is very important that you as a student are aware and responsible when you move around outside the school. Always keep up with social distance of one meter and do not move in bigger groups.
Therefore we advise everyone to stay at the school during freetime and in weekends
Action in case of symptoms
If you feel sick and have some or all symptoms of Corona, you must as always in case of illness stay in your room and report to Babak using Viggo. It is extremely important that you stay in your room.
After reporting it to Babak and depending on your symptoms, you and Babak will arrange for you to be tested and isolated until the result of your test.