How to get to the school
School address:
Nordfyns Højskole Fælledvej 11,
5400 Bogense - Denmark
phone: +45 64813280

Find the school
From Odense station
At the station, you will go to OBC Nord, find platform H and bus 300A to the stop at <Harritslevvej>. The stop is on the main road and next to the road you will find signs reading ‘Folkehøjskole’ leading you to the school. You can plan your route to the school using the Danish 'Travel planner'

Explore more about Nordfyns Højskole
Dicover the atmospehre, closeness and magic of community
Going to folk high school gave me the opportunity to stop up, listen to my heart, and discover that to me, joy is when I get to do things in my own pace. I hope that future students are ready to enjoy the present moment and the closeness in the conversations that you will have both with your new friends and yourself.
-Azusa Kawaguchi