Study trip
Caput Mundi, La Citta Eterna, Limen Apostolorum. Rome is a city with a special place in the history of the world, in the history of religion and in the cultural development of the West. We will experience almost 3000 years of history in five days. From Remulus and Romus to Dan Brown and James Bond. From the Colosseum to the Pantheon and Olimpico.

Teachers on the study trip

Rasmus Feldingbjerg Drabe
Rasmus was born into movement of Free Schools on southern Funen, where he still lives. He is a trained officer from the army and teacher from The Independent Academy for Free School Teaching. He loves adventure, the ocean, and the subtleties of life

Momoyo Jørgensen
Momoyo is originally educated in the social-healthcare field. She loves the meeting new people and is always curious which she believe to be the core of being a good Højskole teacher, which she has been for the past 20 years