
For you who want to look out into the world to find solutions to the challenges surrounding you.

What happens in the interaction with another person? ‘Who’ do you meet? How do you interpret that person and the sett...

Life Education is ideal for those that wish to explore communication and the art of conveying messages.

SPORT is for those of you who want to immerse yourself in sports and the community together with experts in their own...

Climate Action is for those of you who want to explore, understand and discuss the climate crisis in an inspiring fol...

How are the currents of time an expression of the development we see in the world, and how should we relate to it?

Personal Leadership is for those of you who wish to lead yourself or others in an open and respectful manner.

We examine different corners of the concept of sustainability with a focus on food products, construction, life and s...

Nature and kayaking are for those of you who love to explore outdoor life on land and sea. We go on an adventure alon...

Game Design is for those who want to explore game development and interactive storytelling.
メインサブジェクトであるAサブジェクト、 Bサブジェクトの他に選択科目を選ぶことができます。

Challenge yourself with a badminton racket and strengthen your knowledge of the sport.

We explore the universe of baking. We are baking bread and cake in all types of chapes and types.

In Ceramics, you get to explore and cultivate your own creativity with clay.

Different exercises that focus on your body via training with strength, cardio and varying functional movements. Cros...

Using these genres as a foundation, we leans choreographies, develop our own, and experiment with completely free dan...

For those of you who want to delve into Danish history, the development and structure of society. We explore the whim...

Here it is possible for you, to work with self-chosen projects in a genre that interests you. We are living in a mode...

Awaken your creativity and find the desire to cultivate a craftsmanship, and builds on immersion and the creation of ...

We focus on the ability to be a team, and at the same time we will focus on personal development when playing football.

Game Design is for those who wish to explore interactive storytelling and game development.

Garden is for those of you who would like to learn something about ecology and agriculture. Here you will have soil u...

Time and opportunity to explore the making of various jewelry yourself

In music, we will work together to explore the world of music through playing together, singing together, and writing...

Gives you the opportunity to find inspiration in our nearby surroundings, to find and adapt the framework to a practi...

The collaborative tasks create fertile ground for mutual respect for each other. Outdoor will give you the opportunit...

In Podcast we create audio stories that will surprise.

Learn to ride and become one with the horse. Where you go around a horse and get a close relationship with horses.

Sport takes a step out of the comfort zone, and is for those of you who dare to challenge themselves. To incorporate ...

We go to the kitchen and explore the Streetfood universe. The teaching in the Streetfood universe is based on healthy...

Swimming gives you the opportunity to develop and acquire better techniques within classical disciplines such as craw...

In vegan food, you will be cooking with vegetables that primarily come from our own kitchen garden. Raw materials wit...

The teaching in Yoga is based on Bowspring, which is at nutritious, gentle and effective form of training.

This suject is for you who have a sincere interest in people and the diverse society in which we live.
ホイスコーレに来たことで、一度立ち止まって自分の心の声に耳を傾ける機会が持て、自分のペースで物事に取り組むときに喜びが得られるものだという自分自身への気づき得られました。これからノーフュンスホイスコーレに来る学生たちにも「今、この時」を存分に楽しみ、新たな友達、そして自分自身との対話を味わってほしく思います。-Azusa Kawaguchi