
Babak Fadavi Kornerup
Acting Principal
Not a single day is the same at Nordfyns Højskole. All the different people bring their own life energy and peculiarity. The amazing thing is when the energy starts to take shape and it becomes one community.

Momoyo Jørgensen
Acting deputy principal
I love the meeting with every single student and to explore their world. When our worlds collide we can create a common space where there is room for wonder and reflection. That is the main purpose of being a folk high school teacher.

Louise Mortensen
Head of communications and Teacher
on maternity leave
For me there is no better feeling than the feeling of creating something together. The magic happens when ideas meet, grow and become reality - become more than the individual who thought them.

Anne-Sophie Flemmert Jensen
Marketing & Communication
Nordfyns Højskole is a truly special place where different cultures come together in a remarkable community built on curiosity. It offers a unique opportunity to see yourself through many different perspectives, providing you with a solid foundation of confidence, self-worth, and self-awareness on your future journey. Here, you can not only explore your dreams but also build the courage to live them out. Welcome to Nordfyns!

Kristian Aqqaluuti Larsen
Business Manager
You don't have to be at Nordfyns for long in order to experience how special a place you are. You enter a place where togetherness and learning really merge.

Jeppe Skovhøj Jensen
Administrative officer
Working at Nordfyns brings me immense joy. It is an inclusive community that fosters curiosity and lifelong learning.
ホイスコーレに来たことで、一度立ち止まって自分の心の声に耳を傾ける機会が持て、自分のペースで物事に取り組むときに喜びが得られるものだという自分自身への気づき得られました。これからノーフュンスホイスコーレに来る学生たちにも「今、この時」を存分に楽しみ、新たな友達、そして自分自身との対話を味わってほしく思います。-Azusa Kawaguchi