Nature and kayak
Nature and kayak is for everyone who loves exploring the outdoor life on land and at sea. We will go on adventures alongside the shores of Fyn, in kayak on the open sea, diving underwater and walking among trees in the forests.

Making use of nature surrounding Nordfyns Højskole
On Nature and kayak we make use of nature surrounding Nordfyns Højskole – one big playground for everyone who loves being outdoors! In the cold months of the year, we explore nature at land –we focus on nature awareness, and we will go on searches for eatables in the wild. In the warmest months of the year, we will jump into the kayak, and explore all the amazing opportunities of the sea.
On Nature and kayak we will experience life under the skies: the smell of saltwater, dirt under the nails, the feeling of breathing fresh and clear air. You will come face to face with nature’s ever-changing character and get to know its endless sea of possibilities – regardless of weather or season. We will make unforgettable memories, sense the strong community and perhaps even gain new insights about the connection between humankind and nature.
To many people nature has become an object separated from themselves. On Nature and kayak we are going to reconnect with nature. A glassy stretch of water on a summer’s day, silence in the woods, observing swarming ants in an anthill, the smell of dried seaweed, the rough skin of a sea trout. Amazing experiences that bring us closer to an understanding of ourselves and nature.
Keywords of the subject
Overview of the subject components
Nature awareness
Exploring the opportunities of the ocean
Outdoor life
Nature's treasury

Your teachers in Nature and Kayak are

Maria Sichan
Maria is a passionate, swedish 'forest troll' , who thrives in all natures elements. She has a masters in philosophy and Nordic Litterature and has been a Højskole teacher since 2007. She likes to teach outside and with motion in both body and mind
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