Study trip
Bosnia og Balkan
Balkans is a fascinating encounter. A chaotic melting pot of conflict, joy of life, anarchy, past, and future. An area where cultures collide and enrich each other simultaneously. Join us on an exciting journey to Bosnia and be part of experiencing the Balkans from new perspectives.

In Sarajevo, we will explore the bazaar, where east and west meet. In the city's winding streets, you can see traces of Yugoslavia's communism, the gruesome war actions of the 90s, and the aftermath of Franz Ferdinand's famous assassination, which marked the beginning of the 20th century.
In Mostar, we'll get up close to the Yugoslav Wars and the subsequent attempts at peaceful coexistence, but we'll also experience an extraordinary and very beautiful city symbolized by the iconic bridge spanning the Neretva River.
A journey with historical echoes in the sign of diversity.

The teachers
Teachers on the study trip

Asmus Wisler Møller
Asmus has studied History of Ideas in many different places. He wrote his master's thesis on the importance of curiosity and is generally shaped by an urge to see and understand connections through geography and time.

Nordfyns Folk High School is a sanctuary with room to explore the unknown, broaden one's horizons, gain insight into oneself, and see the world from new perspectives in the company of others